The Covid-19 outbreak has forced many of us to study from home and attend online lessons. Virtual school might feel to many of us completely new and in some cases become a real challenge. Such form of learning requires a strong self-discipline and concentration which let's be honest... it's not always easy to accomplish. With so many schools still remaining closed we've decided to help you survive this difficult time and came up with a few tips that will help you to prepare for virtual learning classes and will increase your performance overall!
1. CHOOSE A DESIGNATED SPACE FOR LEARNING. To be able to fully concentrate during your virtual lessons, you must find a space in your house where you won't be distracted by anyone or anything. Ideally a closed room or corner in your house where no one will disturb you. It might be a good idea to let your family members know during what time is your virtual school so that they could try to be little quieter during that period of time.
2. REDUCE UNNECESSARY SOUNDS During online study, especially while listening to your teacher, it would be best to have your radio or TV switched off. Also its best to keep your computer microphone on 'mute' to avoid distracting other students.
3. REMOVE UNNECESSARY OBJECTS Remove any objects that might distract you during your study. Yes, that means even your phone!:-) Keep on your desk/ table only the things you absolutely need for your study.
4. DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE HOMEWORK! Always remind yourself that your virtual school, just like normal school you would go to, has to be followed by doing your homework or additional study time. It's best to set a time for that and stick to it, just like you would during traditional learning.
5. RELAX AND EXERCISE. Spending so many hours seating in one place without any interaction with your colleagues may feel tiring. That is why it is important to set a time during a day when you can relax, go for a walk, do a bit of exercise or call that friend you were thinking about. It will clear your mind and give you that extra burst of energy that you need!
6. DRESS FOR SUCCESS! It's no secret that what you wear will have a strong impact on how you feel. That is why it's important to plan your outfit the day before and wear clothes that you would normally wear at school. When you do that, your brain will automatically switch on to your 'learning mode' and will get ready for your virtual learning lessons!
In order to keep you sane during this 'stuck at home' time and at the same time bring a bit of humor and inspiration to your daily life we have created for you a small COLLECTION OF 'LOCK DOWN' THEME AESTHETIC TOPS, JUMPERS AND ACCESSORIES for you to check out.
Sometimes it's worth to just step back and put on something crazy and unusual that who knows, it might put a smile on you and someone else's face :-)
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