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How To Find Your Own Aesthetic Style?

Posted by AllThingsRainbow Team on

Would you like to find your own aesthetic style? In this post, we will help you discover it.

How to find your aesthetic style.

1. Review your wardrobe
The very first step in order to find your own aesthetic style, is to take a really good look at what you already have in your wardrobe. You will most likely find there, your favorite colors and designs, that you feel like your best when wearing them. Do you prefer pants or skirts? What about colors? Pastels, dark, vibrant? It all matters.

2. Get rid of things you don't wear
When you are working on discovering your aesthetic style, you might need some space for new additions to your aesthetic closet. Don't be afraid to give up the clothes that you no longer wear. It  is a necessary step to be able to go further. Think of a friend who would look great in that top that just doesn't fit you anymore. Or maybe you could donate some of your clothes that you no longer need to the people that need them most?

3. Look for aesthetic style inspirations
It is much easier to find your perfect aesthetic style when you can look in some source of inspiration. Check out your favorite aesthetic fashion blogs, Pinterest YouTube or Instagram - you will find plenty of aesthetic fashion influencers that shares their aesthetic style ideas.

4. Check out second-hand shops in your area
Once you know what type of aesthetic clothes and colors suit you best it's time to look for them. It's always best to start with second-hand shops. You will be surprised how many unique pieces you can find over there and whats just as important, how little they cost! Low cost play especially important rule when it comes to discovering your style. Going low budget is the best approach as you will most likely make some mistakes at the beginning of discovering you style. Those mistakes will be a lot less painful to your pocket when comparing to buying branded clothes. 

5. Check out aesthetic fashion shops

If you know what you're looking for when it comes to aesthetic clothing then it's always good to check out a few of the aesthetic shops. You will find there, the latest aesthetic trends and designs, plus ideas on how to match your clothes. 

6. Don't give up!
It takes time to build your own aesthetic fashion style so be patient. Collect your aesthetic pieces gradually over time. In this way, you will minimize the amount of mistakes that happen when making emotionally driven buying decisions. It's always best to start with clothes that you can mix and match with what you already have so do your research first and think of what you really need. 

For more inspiration about aesthetic fashion visit our aesthetic fashion online boutique at

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